Example: UX User Interview Set Up

4 min readOct 31, 2020



Evaluating if users are able to create a fully customizable itinerary where they have all of their organized trip plans, directions, updated notifications, a way to read reviews about attractions and a way to collaborate with those they are traveling with.

Testing Objectives

Evaluate if users are able to navigate through the app with ease and they are able to formulate an itinerary for their upcoming trip. See if there is an understanding of the flow and how to access trip information.

User Profile

Age group: 24–35

Working young professionals who take trips every year alone or with others. User interviews with both genders. Users who actively use apps to organize information and communicate with others.


The test plan is designed to evaluate the BonVoyage app from the perspective of individual travelers who would like to coordinate with others on customized itineraries. This will be an in person test. Users will be recruited through online invitations and will be scheduled to meet for a user interview. Probing moderation technique and think out loud methods will be employed.

Task List

The user scenario that I am trying to test is if users are able to create a fully customizable itinerary where they have all of their organized trip plans and directions.

The task the user is being asked to perform is to

  • Book a flight
  • Book a hotel
  • Buy tickets for an activity
  • Add flight, hotel and events to their itineraries
  • Share the information with an individual they are traveling with via the messaging system
  • Explore the profile page and add new contacts
  • Message contacts

Environment & Equipment

The test will occur in the user’s home for comfort. This is a mobile test. Users will be using an Android mobile device to test out the app

Evaluation Measures

Will be using a scale from 1–5 to rate colors, symmetry, usage of imagery, organization in the app design as well as why they like and dislike the aesthetics and user experience.


Hi, ______ thank you for participating in this user study. My name is ______ and I am going to be the moderator for this session today.

Before we get started, I would like to give a little background information about the application that you will be trying out.

I am asking individuals to try using the app to see if there are particular pain points that are recurring and what is working well within the app. The session should be around half an hour.

This travel app is meant to be designed for maximizing time when traveling, by providing access to local favorites and popular attractions, having organized itineraries, how to’s in experiencing the local culture, be cost-efficient, and to be able to coordinate with those they are traveling with.

I also want to mention that we are solely testing the usability and flow of the app, we are not testing you. You do not have to worry about saying the wrong things as we are gathering information on how to improve the app for every user.

Any Questions?

Good. I would like to get to know a little bit about your background and what your experiences have been like with travel applications.

What are the most important tasks you or other people need to perform in using travel applications?

How would you describe your past and current experiences with travel apps?

Now, let’s dive into the actual application. We have already created a new user account.

Right away, how would you rate the colors used in the application on a scale of 1–5? Why?

Does the overall aesthetic make you want to keep looking through the app or stop using it?

Let’s try booking a flight now.

Does it make sense that booking flights would be in the “explore” section?

How easy is it to add a flight to a new itinerary plan on a scale of 1–5?

Let’s take a look at the user profile page, is it clear on how to update your own page?

How would you rate the look of the profile page section on a scale of 1–5? Why? What else would you like to see on the profile page section?

Do you like the added feature of sharing information via the messaging section in the app?

What are you thinking about when you view the explore section?

What are your thoughts on the language used? Is it easy or hard to understand what the section is talking about?

What motivated you to click on the _______ icon?

Now, we are going to explore what were some major pain points while navigating through the travel app.

  • How would you describe your overall experience with the product?
  • What did you like the most about using this product?
  • What did you like the least?
  • What, if anything, surprised you about the experience?
  • What, if anything, caused you frustration?

Finally, your overall impressions of the application.

  • On a scale from 1 to 5 1=not at all likely, 5=very likely, how likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?
  • How frequently would you use this product?
    1: Never
    2: Very Rarely (once per month)
    3: Rarely (2–3 times/month)
    4: Occasionally (2–3 times/week)
    5: Frequently (1–2 times/day)
    6: Very Frequently (3+ times/day)

Thank you, ______ for taking the time to answer all of the questions and test out the travel app. We appreciate your thoughtful answers and the time you took out of your day to help us.

