Design Thinking Strategy

1 min readDec 5, 2020


When companies set their strategies, sometimes they stumble when they collect backward looking data which doesn’t tell them what prospective customers really want, or they make risky bets based on instincts instead.

Design thinking is a strategy making process that avoid these mistakes. By applying tools from the world of design and shifting the focus to human behavior. It helps to first invent theories about what customers might want by immersing yourself in their lives, instead of telling them about specific products or services, observe and ask questions about their lives to gain an understanding and context. Next test your ideas. Use iterative prototyping with products or services and conduct a few quick experiments to see how consumers respond. Adjust the product, the pricing for the accordingly. Finally, bring the new product or service to life. When you’ve got a winner, identify the activities capabilities and resources your company will need to actually produce, distribute, and sell to your consumers. Using imaginative human centered problem solving can help you unlock new markets and identify new strategies.

